
Experience Big Gains with PMMA Male Enhancement

By The Edge

Several medical advances have been helping men achieve a healthy, satisfying sex life by effectively tackling erectile dysfunction, low-T, Peyronie’s disease, and more. Another facet that our technologies at The Edge For Men successfully address is male enhancement. Let’s take a look at one of the latest treatments to arrive at The Edge For Men: PMMA.

What Is PMMA?


Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is a dermal filler that helps men achieve a bigger, thicker penis size safely. As an alternative to penis enlargement surgery, PMMA is a non-surgical procedure that is very similar to a facial dermal filler, using a small cannula beneath the skin to inject the product.

The microscopic spheres of PMMA are non-absorbable, which creates impressive volume augmentation. FDA clearance for the face gives a 5-year or longer duration.

How Does it Work?

A topical anesthetic is applied to the skin of the penis followed by a penile block. A mixture of hyaluronic acid and PMMA is injected safely under the skin of the penile shaft through a specialized, flexible micro cannula. From there, the dermal filler is shaped along the entire length of the penis.

After the treatment, a gauze dressing will be applied to the penis, which you should change daily for one to two days. Throughout the next few weeks, your body will begin naturally absorbing the collagen matrix and will form natural, permanent collagenous tissues around the individual microspheres of the PMMA.

This is a minimally-invasive outpatient procedure that takes about an hour to perform. Recovery is complete in 7-10 days. Results will evolve over the next 1-2 months as the carrier agent is absorbed and new collagen is produced. Downtime is minimal, and you can return home immediately after treatment.

Patients should avoid sexual intercourse or any sexual use of the penis for 10-14 days.

Is PMMA Safe?

Yes! PMMA is a safe, natural, and effective alternative procedure with few associated side effects. Once you begin to heal, you will begin noticing that your penis looks, feels, and functions just as it did pre-procedure, except that it will be much thicker.

What Results Can I Expect?

In the weeks following the procedure, your penis will look natural and have a greater circumferential size in both the flaccid and erect states. You will probably notice less “shrinkage” at first. The PMMA helps prevent penis retraction, adding flaccid length and giving you more confidence.

Best of all, PMMA is long-lasting. After 3-6 months, some patients elect to repeat the procedure if they desire a further increase in girth.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Those who wish to undergo PMMA for male enhancement should have:

  • A below-desired penis girth or width
  • A lack of confidence as a result of penis size
  • Realistic expectations on what PMMA can do for them

If you’ve been feeling self-conscious about your penile length or width, call The Edge For Men at (314) 736-4MEN for your consultation. We are committed to restoring every man’s vitality and giving THE EDGE back into their life!