Tickle Lipo

tickle lipo in St. Louis

Taking the “stubborn” out of stubborn fat.

Fat that resists exercise can be hard to eliminate, but it doesn’t have to stay forever. At The Edge for Men in St. Louis, we offer a cutting-edge Tickle Lipo procedure to remove stubborn fat, allowing you to achieve the lean body you have been working hard for.

This procedure uses infrasonic technology to remove fat from many areas, such as the chest, back, abdomen, and buttocks.

It only requires local anesthesia and tiny incisions are made where the fat is located. A small tube is inserted, emitting vibrations that break up the fat cells, resulting in a tickle sensation. Tickle Lipo is a quick, minimally invasive method for effectively and meticulously sculpting fat removal. 


What it Treats

Treats unwanted and stubborn fat in various areas of the body.


Cost varies depending on the area of the body being treated and the total number of areas needing treatment.


Typically, only one session is needed for optimal results.

Procedure Time

Procedure time is usually 1-3 hours depending on the areas treated.

Recovery Time

Patients should expect 3-5 days of downtime, followed by 2-4 weeks of lifting and working out restrictions.


Quicker Recovery, Less Discomfort

Tickle Lipo uses the nutational movement of the cannula to remove unwanted fat cells.

The unique vibrating cannula speeds up liposculpture, making Tickle Lipo up to 25% faster than many traditional lipo procedures.

The vibrating cannula operates at an infrasonic level, blocking the feeling of discomfort by stimulating the nerves that suppress pain signals from reaching the brain.

Compared to classic liposuction, Tickle Lipo causes 80-90% less trauma, leading to a more comfortable recovery in a shorter amount of time. 

Decreases trauma to surrounding tissue

Compared to Tickle Lipo, standard liposuction can potentially cause significant harm to the nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue.

Even though it can successfully remove stubborn fat, it can also inflict tissue damage.

On the other hand, Tickle Lipo is a cutting-edge device that liquefies and removes fat cells quickly, while preserving the adjacent tissue. 

Partners great with other procedures

Many of our patients who have experienced our Tickle Lipo procedure decide to supplement it with other body contouring techniques.

Renuvion skin tightening and Emsculpt Neo are great partners to pair with Tickle Lipo to achieve even more impressive results! 

Male Doctor holding a model of a body part relating to tickle lipo procedure
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Step-by-Step Process


Come into our convenient St. Louis location for a complimentary consultation. We will assess your goals and help you determine whether Tickle Lipo is the best treatment option for you. 

The Lifestyle Center Tickle Lipo Treatment in St. Louis
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Step-by-Step Process

Local Anesthesia

The Tickle Lipo procedure is performed using tumescent anesthesia whereby a local infusion of numbing solution is infiltrated into the fat to be removed.

Patients are awake during the procedure but do receive medications in advance to relax and decrease discomfort. In addition, nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is used during the procedure. 

Doctor preparing for giving a tickle lipo treatment
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Step-by-Step Process

Insert the cannula

Tiny incisions in the skin, no bigger than half an inch, are strategically placed, followed by the insertion of a small suction cannula.

The notational motion of the cannula and the suction it produces dislodges and eliminates unwanted fat cells. 

Business man texting on mobile phone in an airport
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Step-by-Step Process


Upon completion of your procedure, bandages will be applied to the area, and you will be given a compression garment.

All patients will also be given a recovery package that includes all the supplies necessary during their recovery period of two to three days. 

How it Works

Compared to the traditional liposuction method, Tickle Lipo has less swelling, less pain, and a shorter duration of downtime.

The Tickle Lipo suction cannula is unique because it utilizes a notational movement to take out fat, which is a mechanism that causes 80-90% less trauma than the classic form of liposuction. Generally, the procedure is finished within one to two hours, and recovery is only a few days. 

Doctor and Patient having a consultation at the Edge for Men Clinic

What it Treats

Tickle Lipo is a procedure that removes stubborn fat from many areas of the body, including the back, abdomen, buttocks, chest, and flanks (love handles). 

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Attractive Couple on a beach

Fast Results

The effects of the procedure can be seen right away. Over the ensuing two weeks, therapies are provided to expedite the healing process and keep track of the progress. 

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Happy Couple in a park after treatment


Renuvion is commonly used with Tickle Lipe to create impressive body contouring effects. By combining the two, Dr. Moore can shape and tighten the body with minimal downtime and quick recovery time. 

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Plasma Pen Ultra Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

Tickle Lipo uses a cannula with nutational movement to free up and remove unwanted fat cells. This results in significantly less trauma to the surrounding tissue and a quicker recovery. 

Patients typically take 3 to 5 days off work following a Tickle Lipo procedure. No strenuous activity is advised for a minimum of 2 weeks so that the body has time to heal and recover. 

The first few days following the procedure you may experience modest discomfort. To help ease pain, we’ll provide prescription pain medications. 

An improvement in appearance is seen almost immediately. Results will continue to improve for 6 to 12 months following your procedure. 

Individuals with stubborn problem areas resistant to diet and exercise are ideal candidates for Tickle Lipo. 

The results of Tickle Lipo are permanent. The fat cells that are removed will not return. Nevertheless, if you gain weight following any fat cell removal or destruction procedure, fat cells elsewhere in your body will expand in size and may divide to form new fat cells.  

Tickle Lipo (Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture) is an FDA approved, minimally invasive fat elimination and body contouring procedure. It eradicates unwanted and stubborn fat and shapes the body by using infrasonic technology. 

To reduce discomfort, a numbing solution containing medication for local anesthesia is administered using a slender tube called a cannula. Along with the local anesthetic, the gentle vibration of the cannula blocks pain signals from reaching the brain.

Generally, patients feel a tickling sensation, instead of pain, during the Tickle Lipo treatment, and the recovery time is slightly shorter because the adjacent tissue is not damaged. 

Tickle Lipo has minimal side effects, like any medical or cosmetic procedure. Potential side effects may include swelling, soreness, and bruising. 

Generally, there is minor discomfort, with only minor bruising and swelling. Patients will have a few days of downtime and 2-4 weeks of avoiding strenuous activities such as lifting and exercising. Additionally, it is necessary to wear a compression garment for about two months to help the skin adjust and to help achieve optimal results. 

Tickle Lipo can be combined with other cosmetic procedures to achieve optimal results. These include Renuvion, which tightens loose skin, Venus Legacy, which tightens skin and reduces cellulite, and Emsculpt Neo, which builds muscle and reduces fat. 

Since Tickle Lipo is a cosmetic procedure, it is usually not covered by insurance. 

A Men’s Clinic To Raise Performance

The Edge For Men is a Clinic in the St Louis area that focuses on enhancing men’s performance. Whether in the office, the gym, or the bedroom, we offer a range of services to improve your appearance and performance. We help you to live life optimally! Each patient has access to the following:

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An unmatched offering of body sculpting treatments

Testosterone optimization to improve performance

Sexual enhancement treatments for optimal performance

Skin and injectable treatments to enhance the appearance

Under the medical direction of Richard Moore, M.D.

The Edge For Men Clinic

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