
5 Facts You Might Not Know About Erectile Dysfunction

By The Edge

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is an issue that men face but don’t often discuss. Many men may feel embarrassed or think that something’s wrong with them, so they keep the issue to themselves. Unfortunately, avoiding the problem can do much more harm than good.

Stay informed and don’t be afraid to discuss these issues with your doctor. Here are 5 things you might not know about erectile dysfunction and how it can affect your life:
It’s a Common Issue – If you’re experiencing ED, you aren’t alone. More than half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 have had ED at some point in their lives. Additionally, even though the issue is more common in older men, it can affect men in any age bracket.

Your Lifestyle Can Affect Your Erections – Alcohol and nicotine can wreak havoc with your erections by hindering blood flow to your penis. Eating poorly, being overweight, and taking certain medications can also decrease the quality of erections you experience.

Diabetics Are More Prone to ED – Men who suffer from diabetes are particularly more susceptible to experiencing erectile dysfunction. They also typically experience the condition 10 to 15 years earlier than those without diabetes.

It Could Allude to Underlying Health Issues – Because ED is usually caused by poor blood flow, the condition could be hinting to hidden health issues like high blood pressure and heart disease. That’s why it’s important to talk to your doctor about erectile dysfunction.

Other Factors Can Create Issues Below – While poor blood flow can certainly cause ED, other factors can perpetuate the quality of your erections. Stress, anxiety, and depression can kill the mood and also perpetuate the problem.

Don’t let ED rule your life any longer. Get THE EDGE back in your life by calling The Edge For Men at (314) 736-4MEN.