
Testosterone Pellets Versus Injections – Which Is Better for Low-T?

By The Edge

Low testosterone, otherwise known as “Low-T,” is something that men inevitably face as they age. Fortunately, men don’t have to let the effects of Low-T slow them down. There are several courses of hormone replacement therapy that can help. These include testosterone pellets and muscular injections, among other therapies.

If you’re considering hormone therapy to help with your Low-T, it’s best to know the pros and cons about each procedure. The experts at The Edge For Men are here to shed some light on all of your questions regarding the testosterone pellets and muscular injections.


Testosterone Pellets – While it’s true that your body will slowly absorb the testosterone from both therapies into the bloodstream, the testosterone pellets give a much more even and consistent delivery of the hormone to the body. Carefully implanted in your subdermal skin within minutes, this procedure is a quick and convenient outpatient procedure that can last up to 6 months. Best of all, no adverse side effects have been shown when patients use this therapy, which provides a long-term dosing solution for your Low-T needs without anyone noticing!

Muscular Injections – This type of hormone therapy is popular, fast-acting, and effective; however, it has its drawbacks, especially when compared to pellets. The injections must be given on a more regular basis – typically every 1-2 weeks – and you will also experience more hormonal upswings and downswings between injections. This may result in mood swings and changing libido.

Be sure to schedule your consultation with Dr. Moore to discuss which therapy is right for you. During this consultation, he will walk you through your health history and determine the right procedure and dosage amounts to help you get THE EDGE back in your life. Call The Edge For Men at (314) 736-4MEN to get started!