
Sculpt Muscles and Destroy Fat at the Same Time with Emsculpt!

By The Edge

We know you work hard to reach your goal weight, tone your muscles, and sculpt your body by eating right and exercising. But have you ever looked at your abs and thought, “I wish there were a way I could build my muscles and burn fat at the same time” before starting another grueling set of crunches? Guess what – the future of body sculpting is here, and The Edge For Men can give you the results you want with the all-new Emsculpt!

Emsculpt is the only procedure in the world that simultaneously builds muscle while burning fat. This FDA-approved, non-invasive body contouring treatment uses a new energy source called high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to cause muscle contractions, which shape muscles, disrupt fat cells, and give you flat, sculpted abs.

During the procedure, we will secure a panel over your abdomen while you are still dressed to deliver HIFEM magnetic field technology and penetrate through your skin safely. Inside, the energy will induce about 20,000 supramaximal muscle contractions per session, resulting in a rapid metabolic reaction in fat cells. This will cause that stubborn adipose tissue to break down and your muscles to strengthen, all while leaving the surrounding tissues completely unaffected.

Emsculpt takes only 30 minutes to conduct, is painless, and has no downtime or side effects associated with it! You will only feel some muscle soreness the day following the procedure, as if you’re recouping from a great workout at the gym. Emsculpt is delivered as a series of 4 sessions, each 2 to 3 days apart over 2 weeks. You may start noticing results immediately following the treatment and even more pronounced results 2 to 4 weeks after your last session!

Curious about what it’s all about? Mark your calendars for our Emsculpt open house on Thursday, September 6 from 3 to 7 p.m. Stop by 10287 Clayton Road, Suite 360 for refreshments and appetizers, and enter a drawing for a $1,000 credit toward your Emsculpt purchase!

Take body sculpting to the next level and get THE EDGE back in your life. Call The Edge For Men today at (314) 736-4MEN to schedule your consultation or your demo time to experience the power of Emsculpt!