
Say Hello to a Smoother, Leaner Body With Tickle Lipo!

By The Edge

It’s a familiar scene. You exercise diligently, eat healthy meals, get plenty of rest, and take time to unwind at the end of the day, all in the name of good health. But no matter how hard you try, your body is not reflecting all of the positive things you’ve done for it. Those deposits of fat sit stubbornly on your body, taunting you for all the miles you’ve run or pounds you’ve bench-pressed these past months or years.

Does this sound like you? If so, you don’t have to let that remaining fat rule your life any longer, thanks to The Edge For Men and Tickle Lipo!

Don’t let the name fool you – Tickle Lipo is no joke. This revolutionary in-office procedure is the very best in removing stubborn fat and sculpting a youthful, proportionate body safely, comfortably, and affordably, giving you smooth, lean, and natural-looking contours.

Here are 5 reasons why you should liberate your body from that annoying fat with Tickle Lipo at The Edge For Men:

Very Little Downtime – Did you know that, when compared to traditional liposuction methods, Tickle Lipo has 80 to 90% less tissue trauma? This means a faster recovery time for you. You will be able to resume your everyday activities almost immediately and can return to work 3 to 5 days following your procedure!

It Lets You Take Control – Tickle Liposuction lets you decide how you want your body to appear. This state-of-the-art liposuction method gently yet effectively removes fat, giving you a more youthful and chiseled look.

Greatly Reduced Bruising and Discomfort – Because the procedure uses a vibrating cannula to move through tissue and suction fat away easily, you will be comfortable and experience much less discomfort and bruising than traditional liposuction.

You Can Show Off a Toned Body – Do you ever feel like all the efforts you’ve made through diet and exercising have gone to waste because of that stubborn fat? Tickle Lipo helps you achieve a fitter, more toned appearance, which will boost your confidence.

It’s the Best in St. Louis – Richard Moore, M.D., has been performing office-based liposuction procedures for more than 10 years. In fact, he was the very first physician to use Tickle Lipo in the state of Missouri so you know that you’ll definitely be in the hands of an expert.

Get the sculpted body you deserve here at The Edge For Men! Call us at (314) 736-4MEN to set up your consultation with Richard Moore, M.D. and get THE EDGE back in your life!