
Get the Sculpted Body You’ve Always Wanted at The Edge For Men!

By The Edge

Do you have a dad bod? You know what we’re talking about: the “spare tire” around your stomach, man boobs, and an overall tired physique. If this sounds like you, then you’re in luck. The Edge For Men can help you get the lean, contoured body you’ve always wanted with our body sculpting services!

We’re proud to offer these 4 procedures to address all your dad bod issues and give you a smooth, masculine, and youthful body:

Tickle LipoThis procedure is the real deal. A revolutionary, in-office procedure, Tickle Lipo is the very best procedure out there for removing stubborn fat and sculpting the body, resulting in lean body contours. This state-of-the-art liposuction procedure removes fat in a comfortable manner with minimal swelling and recovery time. In fact, compared to traditional liposuction methods, Tickle Lipo has 80 to 90% less tissue trauma, which gives you greater results faster.

Renuvion Body LiftWhoever said there were no do-overs in life is wrong. Renuvion Body Lift, powered by J-Plasma, lets you hit the reset button and gives you a youthful body – no excisional surgery required! This minimally invasive, office-based procedure sculpts the body naturally by tightening and lifting loose skin and tissue without going under the knife. Using cold plasma energy, this procedure sculpts several areas of the body, including the abdomen, arms, upper and lower back, chest, and flanks with little downtime.

BodyTite with RFAL™ This breakthrough remodeling procedure, which uses the patented radio-frequency assisted liposuction (RFAL) technology, gently melts and removes excess fat through a tiny, inconspicuous incision. It’s designed to sculpt, firm, and re-contour your body by eradicating stubborn fat and tightening lax skin in the arms, abdomen, chest, flanks, and back. BodyTite is typically combined with Tickle Lipo to give you amazing results that you won’t experience with other body sculpting treatments!

Vanquish ME™Want to destroy fat safely, effectively, and affordably? Vanquish Me™ could be right for you. This transformative procedure reduces body fat that has remained unaffected by diet and exercise, all without undergoing surgery. In less than one hour, this comfortable procedure can treat problem areas and reduce fat pockets, especially around the abdomen and flanks, thanks to the help of radio-frequency energy. No downtime is involved, so you can resume your normal activities right away and notice improvements within weeks.

If you have a dad bod but would rather have a man bod, call the experts at The Edge For Men at (314) 736-4MEN to get THE EDGE back in your life!