
Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know about Alopecia

By The Edge

You know what alopecia is. You might even be living with it right now, and if so, it could be harming your confidence and self-esteem. Alopecia, also known as hair loss, affects 35 million men in the United States, and by the age of 50, more than 50% of men will have experienced it to some degree.

What exactly is alopecia?

It is the broad medical term for all forms of hair loss. There are several types, including androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata, alopecia totalis and universalis, traction alopecia, and more. Androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness, is the most common form of hair loss and makes up 95% of hair loss in men. Traction alopecia occurs when too much pressure is placed on hair follicles through certain hairstyles like tight braids and ponytails. The remaining types are autoimmune skin disorders that involve various levels of hair loss throughout the body.

What causes androgenic alopecia?

A combination of genetics and hormonal imbalance causes androgenic alopecia. When testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone, it latches onto your hair follicles and begins shrinking them. This causes the body to stop producing hair follicles in time. DHT is a follicle killer, and we can modify your body’s production of DHT in the scalp with medications and topical applications.

Can stress cause me to lose my hair?

Yes and no. Unless they are extreme, everyday stressors like your job or daily living shouldn’t cause you to lose hair. Very traumatic and emotional events such as a death in the family, surviving a natural disaster, or crash dieting can trigger hair loss. If the event is enough to cause you to lose sleep or experience a change in appetite, it may have an impact on your hair.

How will I know if I am experiencing hair loss?

Hair loss, especially androgenic alopecia, has a gradual onset. You may slowly begin noticing some thinning of the hair at your temples or on the crown of your head. While hair loss can happen as early as your teenage years, you are more than likely to discover it close to your 30s.

I saw some extra hair come out on my brush or in the shower. Am I experiencing hair loss?

Everyone normally sheds between 50 and 150 hair follicles daily, so don’t panic. If you notice your hair follicles are becoming finer or your hairline is receding, then it’s time to take action. Hair loss is progressive, so it’s important to see a hair loss specialist to develop a long-term plan for maintaining your hair. Dr. Moore and his team of hair loss specialists can perform a hair and scalp analysis and put forth a plan moving forward. Remember, going bald is a choice.

Will wearing a hat cause me to lose hair?

Unless you’re wearing a really tight hat, no, hats typically do not trigger androgenic alopecia. However, hairstyles that put pressure on your follicles or hairline like tight buns, braids, or ponytails can cause follicular breakage and may result in gradual baldness. This is what is called traction alopecia.

Is alopecia irreversible?

You may not be able to prevent hair loss, but you can definitely manage it. There are several procedures that can help you attain that natural-looking, youthful head of hair that you’re missing. The all-new ARTAS iX Robotic Hair Restoration System uses artificial intelligence and advanced vision to restore your hair skillfully and precisely. Ideal hair follicles are harvested in a donor area like the sides or back of your head and are expertly placed in strategic portions of your head, resulting in a youthful head of hair without stitches, sutures, or linear scarring. If you suffer from traction alopecia, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments or hair transplant methods could be right for you.

Don’t let your hair loss rule your life. Get THE EDGE back in your life with the help of The Edge For Men! Call us today at (314) 736-4MEN to schedule your consultation.