
6 Simple Tips for Maintaining Your Health This Holiday Season

By The Edge

It’s that time of the year again. Your calendar is getting booked quickly with parties and get-togethers from friends and family, and the thought of letting loose and practically inhaling savory food is absolutely enticing.

While it’s perfectly fine to let yourself indulge a bit, keep this interesting fact in mind this holiday season: according to a recent study from Cornell University, it may take you more than 5 months to lose weight you put on between Halloween and the New Year. Besides that, rich food can add up over time, harming your arteries, bones, and waistline.

Fortunately, you don’t need to deprive yourself of your favorite meals and desserts to stay fit and trim. All you need to do is come up with a strategy to combat temptation, and you won’t have to worry about the extra pounds. Here are 6 tips to help you eat healthily this holiday season (and beyond):

Eat Before Heading Out

Whether you’re shopping for presents or setting out for a party with friends, it’s wise to eat a little bit before you step out. Reach for a small, healthy snack full of unsaturated fat, protein, and complex carbohydrates to keep you satisfied. Whole-wheat toast with almond butter and banana slices, for example, can help do the trick.

Be Choosey

Before you start spooning corn casserole and various desserts on your plate, take a look at the holiday spread. Spend the calories on the things you really enjoy or place very small samples of the food that looks interesting on your plate to keep yourself in check.

Wait Before Getting Seconds

How many times have you eaten a meal only to go back for seconds almost immediately? Probably more than you’d like to admit (hey, we all do it!). Keep the holiday weight gain away by waiting 10 minutes before heading back to the buffet line. It takes about that long for your stomach to tell your brain that you’re satisfied. In the meantime, chat with a relative, sip some water, or play a round of your favorite board game with your friends!

Keep Your Distance

From the food table, that is. The adage “out of sight, out of mind” is really true. If you’re near where the snacks are stationed, you’ll more than likely find yourself mindlessly munching on chips or pie. Refrain from standing near the food at parties to keep your waistline in check.

Stay Physically Active

Exercise is a great way to keep those extra pounds at bay, and it also works wonders in reducing stress during this busy time of year. Create and stick to an easy workout schedule and plan to move around most days of the week. Better yet, lace up your shoes and ask your friends and family to walk, jog bike, or dance with you between meals!

Remember What’s Important

While the holidays are full of delicious food, it’s really about spending quality time with your friends and family. Focus on laughing and enjoying your time together with your loved ones and eat only when you’re truly hungry. Trust us, you’ll enjoy yourself more this way anyway.

Even though exercising and eating well are important in leading a healthy life, they might not be enough to help you look and feel your best. That’s where The Edge For Men comes in. Call us today at (314) 736-4MEN to learn about our body sculpting services.

Together, we can help you attain a tighter, more youthful body at any time of the year!