
6 Reasons Why Men Everywhere Choose NeoGraft for Hair Loss

By The Edge

If you’ve been experiencing hair loss, you might have begun investigating ways you can restore your head full of thick hair. You’re done with feeling embarrassed and less confident, but you’re not sure where to turn. Follow the path that many men are taking to help them successfully regain their youthful locks by choosing NeoGraft.

One of the most popular techniques in the industry for hair loss restoration, NeoGraft is a minimally invasive procedure that transplants individual hair follicles safely, effectively, and affordably into the treatment area. This revolutionary treatment gives countless men both their hair and control of their lives.

Here are 6 reasons why our clients love and choose NeoGraft:

A Less Invasive Option

NeoGraft is a procedure that uses Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) to harvest follicles. FUE procedures are much less invasive than other hair restoration treatments. Instead of the traditional “strip method” hair replacement system, NeoGraft uses an automated punch to score follicles, which are harvested and prepared for implantation.

This procedure requires no sutures, stitches, or staples, making it a comfortable experience for you.

No General Anesthesia Needed

Since NeoGraft is a minimally invasive procedure, you won’t need to be put under general anesthesia. This means you don’t have to experience the often unpleasant side effects of going under and can return home immediately following the procedure.

Richard Moore, M.D. will administer a mild oral sedative medication prior to your procedure.

Quick Recovery

If you want to regain your youthful head full of hair without interrupting your daily life, NeoGraft may be right for you. This procedure takes far less time than several other procedures, allowing you to return to work or your normal activities within a few days!

A Versatile Procedure

NeoGraft is a great procedure for nearly every skin and hair type. You can also opt to restore your hair with NeoGraft if you’ve ever had a strip procedure in the past. You just need to be in good health and have reasonable cosmetic goals to qualify.

Style However You Want

Because NeoGraft doesn’t give you the linear scarring you would experience from a traditional hair transplant procedure, you can wear your hair however you wish. Wear it short, long, buzzed, gelled, or anything in between!

Effective, Natural-Looking Results

With its high success rate, NeoGraft produces incredible, natural-looking results. The grafted hair follicles will stay in place for 2 to 3 weeks before shedding, which is completely normal in the new regrowth process. Afterward, the new growth will begin in a few short months, and your hair will continue to grow naturally.

Best of all, no one will be able to tell you’ve had a hair transplant performed unless you tell them!

Want to learn more about NeoGraft? Don’t wait – call The Edge For Men at (314) 736-4MEN to schedule your consultation with us!