
4 Reasons Why Vanquish ME™ Could Be Exactly What You Need

By The Edge

You’ve spent months working out, reaching your target weight, and getting your body exactly how you want it to look. The only trouble is that no matter what you do, you can’t seem to shake off that stubborn fat that prevents you from looking your very best. Fortunately, you no longer have to let those problem areas frustrate you when you choose Vanquish ME™ at The Edge For Men!

Vanquish ME™ is a revolutionary procedure that lets you take control of your body by transforming it safely, effectively, and non-invasively! Compared to CoolSculpting, Vanquish ME™ destroys 10 times as many fat cells at approximately half the cost, thanks to its large treatment spot size and a great degree of penetration.

We typically recommend 4 to 6 weekly sessions, and you should begin seeing some impressive results as soon as a few weeks after beginning your treatment.

If you want to finally attain the sculpted body you desire, here are 4 reasons why Vanquish ME™ could be just what you’re looking for:

It’s Safe – Vanquish ME™ is an FDA-approved procedure that eliminates stubborn, circumferential fat by using a high-frequency energy field. The energy field targets the thermal effects on the fat layer while protecting the surrounding skin tissue and permanently destroying fat cells.

It’s Effective and Precise – Performed in less than an hour, Vanquish ME™ is the industry’s largest spot size treatment that can cover the abdomen from flank to flank or full upper back, giving you balanced results. This procedure is an excellent choice for anyone who has tried exercising and dieting but still has nonresponsive pockets of fat on their body.

No Surgery Required – Unlike liposuction, Vanquish Me™ doesn’t involve surgery or anesthesia. Instead, it uses deep thermal heating to get rid of body fat permanently. Additionally, Vanquish ME™ can help tighten the skin significantly, which isn’t usually reported with other sculpting procedures.

No Discomfort or Downtime – If you’re looking for a painless, easy treatment that will eliminate stubborn fat, then look no further. Most patients report no discomfort with mild to moderate redness and/or swelling in the treatment area, which usually resolves within 1 to 2 hours.

Unlike invasive procedures, Vanquish ME™ allows you to resume your normal everyday activities right away.

If you’re ready to get THE EDGE back in your life with Vanquish ME™, call The Edge For Men today at (314) 736-4MEN to schedule your consultation!