
10 of The Most Common Causes for Low Testosterone in Males

By Caleb Hester

Understanding Low Testosterone in Men 

To achieve optimal health and well-being, consider optimizing your testosterone levels. Several factors can contribute to low testosterone, including aging, obesity, chronic illnesses, certain medications and treatments, stress, mental health issues, sleep disorders, unhealthy lifestyles, testicular issues, and environmental factors. Dr. Richard Moore, a board–certified Internal Medicine specialist by The American Board of Physicians and Surgeons, offers his expertise at The Edge For Men in St. Louis. With extensive skills and experience, he specializes in helping men regain lost vitality by restoring testosterone to optimal levels, enabling them to perform at their peak. 

Top 10 Causes of Low Testosterone for Men 

Hormonal Imbalance 

Hormonal imbalance, particularly in estrogen and testosterone levels, can contribute to decreased testosterone levels. Both men and women can be affected, although it is more prevalent in men, especially as they age. 


As males age, they experience a gradual decline in testosterone levels by approximately 1-2% per year, starting around age 30. Restoring testosterone to optimal levels can significantly enhance vitality and overall quality of life. 


Excess body fat can actually lead to a decrease in testosterone production. Fat cells can convert testosterone into estrogen, throwing off the delicate hormonal balance required to maintain optimal health.  

Chronic Illnesses 

When men experience chronic illnesses like diabetes, obesity, or hypertension, it can lead to low testosterone levels. The body’s ability to communicate between the brain and testicles is affected in such cases, resulting in decreased testosterone production. 

Medications and Treatments 

One potential factor that isn’t always talked about is the impact of certain medications and treatments. Some drugs, such as opioids or corticosteroids, can lower testosterone levels, statins, anti-anxiety and anti-depressants hypertension, and beta blockers, as can chemotherapy or radiation therapy. For men undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, the effects on testosterone levels can be particularly severe. 

Stress and Mental Health 

Lower testosterone levels in the body have been linked to stress and mental health. When stress or poor mental health is present, cortisol is produced, a hormone that directly affects testosterone production. Cortisol can suppress the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which control testosterone production. Moreover, elevated cortisol levels can cause increased inflammation in the body, further reducing testosterone levels. 

Sleep Disorders 

Studies have shown that sleep disorders can have a negative impact on testosterone levels. Men who suffer from poor sleep quality or sleep apnea are more likely to experience lower testosterone levels. This is because sleep plays a crucial role in regulating hormone production, including testosterone. 

Unhealthy Lifestyle 

Dr. Moore brings a holistic approach to his practice, offering aesthetic services while also demonstrating a keen interest in the correlation between fitness, nutrition, hormonal balance, overall health, and well-being. Furthermore, Dr. Moore educates patients on the impact of an unhealthy lifestyle on testosterone levels. 

Testicular Issues 

The human body is a complex system, and one issue affecting one part can have unexpected consequences elsewhere. This is certainly the case with the testicles and testosterone levels. Testosterone, the hormone responsible for masculine characteristics, is produced primarily in the testicles; any issue can have a direct impact on testosterone levels. These issues can range from infection and injury to congenital abnormalities such as undescended testicles, and tumors.  

Environmental Factors 


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) 

Restoring your hormones to optimal levels through testosterone replacement therapy can help revive your vitality and overall health. At the Edge for Men, we highly recommend hormone optimization. It’s not just about bringing testosterone levels back to normal; normal levels may not be sufficient for a vibrant and energetic lifestyle. This approach aims to alleviate the symptoms caused by low testosterone and address the most common underlying causes of this condition. 

Lifestyle Changes 

We provide treatment plans that include comprehensive guidance on recommended behavioral modifications targeting underlying causes, such as diet and exercise. Our unwavering commitment is to deliver the desired outcomes for our patients. 

Stress Management 

There are several strategies to manage stress and increase testosterone levels. One effective way is through exercise and physical activity, which reduces stress hormones and releases endorphins that boost testosterone production. Mindfulness-based therapies, such as meditation and yoga, can also help release stress and promote relaxation.

Adequate sleep, a healthy diet, and stress-reducing activities like journaling or spending time outdoors are other effective ways to manage stress and increase testosterone levels. By prioritizing stress management, you can improve your overall health and well-being while boosting your testosterone levels. 

Sleep Improvement 

Testosterone production peaks during deep sleep and is interrupted by fragmented or insufficient rest. By implementing better sleep habits, such as establishing a regular bedtime routine and avoiding caffeine and electronics before bed, you can optimize your chances of obtaining a restful, restorative slumber and boost your testosterone levels.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Can low testosterone be a result of natural aging, or is it always a sign of an underlying issue? 

Low testosterone is a natural result of aging. As men enter their 30s and 40s, their bodies cannot produce as much testosterone as they once did. This decline can lead to symptoms, including decreased energy, low sex drive, and even bone loss. 

What are the primary hormones involved in testosterone production and regulation? 

The primary hormones involved in testosterone production and regulation are luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In men, the pituitary gland in the brain produces these hormones, which signal the testicles to produce testosterone.

LH specifically stimulates the Leydig cells found in the testes to produce testosterone, while FSH works to support the functioning of Sertoli cells, which help to manufacture sperm. Therefore, having a balanced level of both LH and FSH is critical for healthy testosterone production and regulation. 

Are there any genetic factors that can contribute to low testosterone? 

The production and regulation of testosterone in the body can be influenced by certain gene variations, potentially resulting in lower hormone levels. However, it is important to note that genetics alone cannot determine low testosterone. Other lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise, can also impact hormone levels. 

Is there a link between sleep disorders like sleep apnea and low testosterone in men? 

Sleep apnea, a condition that causes a person to stop breathing periodically throughout the night, can lead to daytime fatigue and hormonal imbalances, including a decrease in testosterone production.  

Are there any natural or dietary supplements that can help raise testosterone levels? 

While some supplements such as DHEA and ashwagandha claim to boost testosterone levels, scientific evidence supporting their efficacy is limited. Conversely, testosterone replacement therapy is a medically supervised treatment that has demonstrated effectiveness in increasing testosterone levels for men with low levels. 

Can environmental factors like exposure to chemicals or toxins contribute to low testosterone? 

Chemicals and toxins present in the air, water, and even everyday household items have been linked to a decrease in testosterone production.  

How important is regular check-up and monitoring for maintaining healthy testosterone levels?

By getting regular check-ups and monitoring testosterone, you can ensure that your levels are where they should be and prevent any negative impacts on your health. In addition, regular check-ups can help detect any underlying health issues that may be causing low testosterone levels, allowing for prompt treatment and improved overall health 

What are the potential risks and benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (HRT)? 

Enhancing testosterone levels in St. Louis can effectively mitigate the decline in muscle mass and bone density. Optimal testosterone optimization can significantly augment cardiovascular health by mitigating arterial plaque formation, insulin resistance, and weight gain effects.

In essence, achieving and maintaining optimal testosterone levels can lead to substantial improvements in overall health, stamina, sexual capabilities, desire, and mental well-being. Although infrequent, there are potential risks, including exacerbation of sleep apnea and adverse skin reactions such as acne. 

Can men with low testosterone still father children, and are there fertility treatments available? 

Although low testosterone may affect sperm production and quality, there are various fertility treatments available to increase the chances of conception. Some options include hormone replacement therapy, intrauterine insemination, and in vitro fertilization.  

Is low testosterone linked to sexual dysfunction, and can it be treated? 

Low testosterone levels have been linked to sexual dysfunction in men. This can manifest in several ways, from a decreased libido to difficulty getting or maintaining an erection.

If left untreated, these symptoms not only impact a man’s sexual health, but can also lead to mental health concerns, decreased self-esteem, and relationship issues. Hormone replacement therapy and lifestyle changes can help restore testosterone levels and improve sexual function.  

Are there specific symptoms or signs that should prompt me to get my testosterone levels checked? 

If you experience common indications such as erectile dysfunction, reduced sex drive, weight gain, fatigue, reduced muscle mass, or unexplained mood changes, it is advisable to get your testosterone levels checked. 

How long does it typically take to see improvements in testosterone levels with lifestyle changes or treatment? 

Improvements in symptoms due to hormone therapy vary depending on the specific symptom. Within a timeframe of 3 to 4 days, there can be an observed enhancement in insulin sensitivity, resulting in improved sleep quality. Noteworthy improvements can also be observed, such as increased vitality. Approximately 3 to 4 weeks later, there are significant changes manifested in terms of overall well-being improvement.

Expect heightened energy levels, increased focus, improved mood, revitalized libido, and reduced instances of erectile dysfunction. Beyond the initial month, long-term benefits of optimizing testosterone become evident, including increased sexual drive, enhanced cognitive abilities, augmented muscle mass, improved bone density, reduced fat mass, and enhanced microvascular function. These benefits will continue to evolve and improve over subsequent months. 

Can low testosterone affect mental and emotional well-being, and what are the psychological symptoms to watch for? 

Low testosterone levels can have a profound impact on a person’s mental and emotional health, leading to a host of psychological symptoms that can be difficult to manage. These symptoms may include depression, anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and decreased motivation or interest in activities that were once enjoyed. It can also lead to cognitive changes such as difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and decreased mental clarity.  

Is there a connection between low testosterone and bone health or osteoporosis in men? 

While most associate low testosterone with decreased libido and muscle mass, it can also have a significant impact on bone health. Osteoporosis is a condition that affects many older adults, and low testosterone has been linked to an increased risk of developing the disease. Men with low testosterone levels may also experience decreased bone density, making them more susceptible to fractures and breaks. 

What precautions should men take when considering testosterone replacement therapy (HRT), and what are the potential side effects? 

Before considering testosterone replacement therapy, it is important to undergo an evaluation. The evaluation should encompass a comprehensive medical history, physical examination, and blood tests. It is worth noting that testosterone replacement therapy may have rare side effects, including sleep apnea, acne, and an increased risk of blood clots. 

A Men’s Clinic To Raise Performance 

The Edge For Men is a Clinic in the St Louis area that focuses on enhancing men’s performance. Whether in the office, the gym, or the bedroom, we offer a range of services to enhance your appearance and performance. We help you to live life optimally! Each patient has access to the following: 

  • An unmatched offering of body sculpting treatments 
  • Testosterone optimization to improve performance 
  • Sexual enhancement treatments for optimal performance 
  • Skin and injectable treatments to enhance appearance 
  • Under the medical direction of Richard Moore, M.D. 

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