
You Got a Hair Transplant – Now What?

By The Edge
Smiling man on a morning jog

So you decided to take action on your ongoing hair loss and received a hair transplant. You are now one of the countless men who realize that hair loss is a choice! While the procedure itself will work to restore your head full of hair, your work isn’t done if you want to keep enjoying those amazing results.

Before Your Hair Transplant

Before we delve into everything you need to know and do following your hair transplant, we would like to address what you should expect in the beginning. We recommend our patients be on a DHT blocker such as finasteride and Revivogen prior to their procedure. DHT – also known as dihydrotestosterone – causes hair follicles to shrink. A DHT blocker, conversely, will help stop or greatly diminish hair loss.

Related:  Five Benefits of Hair Transplant Surgery

For patients who have 1,000 hair follicles or more, we recommend receiving a LaserCap treatment, a Revivogen kit, and a PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatment before their hair transplant. The PRP session will help fertilize the scalp and increase the procedure’s effectiveness. The LaserCap treatment will help improve scalp perfusion with nutrient-rich blood.

After Your Hair Transplant

Once you undergo your tailored hair restoration procedure, you’ll want to follow a few crucial steps for impressive, long-lasting results. While our patients will continue LaserCap and DHT blocking therapy, we also recommend patients receive a PRP treatment approximately 2 months after their transplant. Additionally, we suggest PRP scalp treatments every 3 to 6 months following the procedure. In the same way that fertilizing your lawn will encourage the growth of healthy grass, PRP will help maximize your hair’s
density naturally.

The last thing you’d want to experience after a hair restoration procedure is seeing your results fade. The Edge For Men works with each patient to provide the best services tailored for long-term results. Call The Edge For Men at (314) 736-4MEN to schedule your hair restoration consultation with us!