
renuvion in st. louis

Tighten, sculpt, and contour without invasive surgery.

The Edge For Men in St. Louis, Missouri, presents Renuvion – the ultimate minimally invasive solution for body contouring! Dr. Moore combines it with Tickle Lipo to transform your body and make it firm, sculpted, and tight. And the best part? Say goodbye to long downtimes and painful recoveries. Renuvion is perfect for those with mild to moderate loose skin. 

Tighten areas such as

  • Arms
  • Stomach
  • Back
  • Neck


What it Treats

Renuvion treats loose skin and unwanted fat.


Cost varies depending on the number of areas treated.


Usually, only one session is needed for optimal results.

Procedure Time

Procedure time is 2-5 hours depending on the number of areas treated.

Recovery Time

Recovery time is 3-5 days of downtime and 2-4 weeks on heavy lifting and some strenuous workout restrictions.


A Minimally Invasive Alternative

Achieve a toned and sculpted body through Renuvion’s minimally invasive procedure in St. Louis. Say goodbye to significant discomfort and hello to stunning results. 

Fast, precise, and safe

Experience the benefits of cold plasma technology to enhance the results of your liposuction procedure! This advanced technology is exceptionally safe and highly effective, yielding impressive results. 

Quick results for all body types

Achieve a noticeable improvement in just days with the revolutionary Reunion device. Cutting-edge cold plasma technology can instantly shrink, define, and sculpt underlying tissue to help you get the look you’ve always wanted.

Happy man on a phone call
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Step-by-Step Process


Come in for your free consultation at our convenient St. Louis location. Our experts will evaluate your objectives and guide you toward your desired results. 

Male Doctor preparing to perform a procedure in St. Louis
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Step-by-Step Process

Infuse local anesthetic

To start the procedure, we will infuse the target tissue with a solution filled with a local anesthetic. This type of anesthesia is known as tumescent anesthesia. 

Male Doctor preparing to perform a procedure at The Edge For Men Clinic in St. Louis
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Step-by-Step Process

Tickle Liposuction

After being infused with the anesthetic solution, you’ll feel a tickling sensation as we eliminate unwanted fat from your body as we perform the Tickle Lipo procedure. 

The Lifestyle Center Plasma Pen
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Step-by-Step Process

Deliver cold plasma

After removing excess fat, Renuvion’s cold plasma heats the tissue to shrink underlying connective tissue and free up even more fat, which is quickly suctioned away. You’ll love the svelte, sculpted look! 

Close up of a happy young couple using laptop at home
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Step-by-Step Process


You will experience a speedy recovery with Renuvion. After your procedure, we’ll outfit you with a comfortable compression garment and provide you with at-home supplies. With this minimally invasive procedure, you can return to regular activities in 3-5 days. 

How it works

Renuvion effectively tightens and contours your body, harnessing the power of innovative cold plasma technology. Achieve your optimal physical potential with this cutting-edge approach that delivers remarkable results. Renuvion will give you the sleek and toned body you’ve always dreamed of without the risk of invasive procedures. 

Cold plasma

Renuvion’s revolutionary technology creates cold plasma using radio-frequency energy and helium gas. This cutting-edge process guarantees precision, safety, and flexibility as radio frequency energy sends rapid electrons through helium, which is a very stable gas that will ionize at low, safe energy levels.  

Buff man flexing his abs


Experience high-quality precision in your treatment. Our skilled and experienced physician, Dr. Moore, strategically places incisions while our advanced Renuvion technology delivers cold plasma beneath the skin. The result is instantly shrinking, defining, and sculpting in the underlying tissue. And unlike laser therapy, experience results with fewer risks since cold plasma is cooler.   


Frequently Asked Questions

If you desire a more defined, sculpted look, you may be an ideal candidate for Renuvion. However, if you have implanted electrical devices such as a defibrillator or pacemaker, you cannot have Renuvion performed. 

Before the procedure, we’ll discuss your aesthetic goals and preferences. Our initial step involves injecting the target tissue with tumescent anesthesia, a solution containing a local anesthetic. This technique ensures a comfortable and pain-free experience during the procedure. 

Most patients should expect some drainage within the first two days of recovery, along with minimal swelling and mild discomfort. 

At The Edge For Men, we’re dedicated to making your procedure as comfortable as possible. The level of discomfort can vary from person to person. We use a combination of tumescent anesthesia, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), and oral medications to ensure you stay comfortable throughout.  

Our cutting-edge plasma treatment tightens sagging skin. Controlled plasma energy is directed beneath the skin with a slender wand,  heated up to 85 degrees, immediately tightening the area.

The remaining helium gas cools the tissue, ensuring that the tissue doesn’t burn. This process stimulates tissue for continuous collagen production and achieves long-lasting results.  

As with any aesthetic procedure, individual results may vary.  Renuvion can rejuvenate your skin effectively and safely. However, albeit rare, there are possible risks associated with Renuvion, like burns, infection, nerve injury, hematoma, and scarring.  

While you will see immediate results, the most significant skin tightening will occur over the first year, thanks to plasma energy that creates collagen and elastin. Although it won’t stop the natural aging process, this permanent change will last for your lifetime. 

You can use Renuvion on your arms, stomach, and back to tighten those areas effectively.  

The procedure typically takes 2-5 hours depending on the number of areas treated. 

To prepare for a Renuvion treatment, avoid taking blood-thinning medications or supplements for at least a week before the procedure; this includes items like aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil, and vitamin E. Additionally, it’s vital to stay hydrated before and after the treatment to help your body heal properly.

‘You should also arrange transportation to and from the appointment since you will be given medication to help you relax during the procedure.  

After the procedure, patients can resume work within 2 to 5 days. However, abstaining from strenuous workouts for about 2 to 4 weeks is essential. This will ensure a smooth and speedy recovery.” 

Pairing Renuvion with cutting-edge procedures can elevate your results to new heights.

Try Tickle Lipo for advanced fat removal using infrasonic technology, Venus Legacy for radiofrequency-based skin tightening and collagen synthesis, Emsculpt Neo for HIFEM technology that builds muscle and burns fat, or Coolsculpting Elite for revolutionary cryolipolysis technology that targets, freezes, and eliminates fat cells. Don’t settle for mediocre results – combine with Renuvion today for optimal success! 

Typically, only one session is needed for optimal results.  

Renuvion is making a name for itself as a non-invasive yet effective option for skin tightening. This technology uses cold plasma energy. Renuvion can often achieve the desired results in just one session, while other skin tightening procedures may require multiple treatments. Its minimal downtime and safety profile also make it an attractive option for those who want to improve their appearance without surgery.  

Renuvion is a safe, minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure. 

A Men’s Clinic To Raise Performance

The Edge For Men is a Clinic in the St Louis area that focuses on enhancing the performance of men. Whether in the office, the gym, or the bedroom, we offer a range of services to enhance your appearance and performance. We help you to live life optimally! Each patient has access to:

Learn More

An unmatched offering of body sculpting treatments

Testosterone optimization to improve performance

Sexual enhancement treatments for optimal performance

Skin and injectable treatments to enhance the appearance

Under the medical direction of Richard Moore, M.D.

The Edge For Men Clinic

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